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How do you
These are the
It is one of the first
Despite how
beautiful themorning was, it wastime toleave forwork (from New Jersey). Onclear ,sunny days , this is a stunningdrive since you cansee all of theWest Side of Manhattan directly across the HudsonRiver . On thisparticular day , I wasenjoying theview of thecity when wesaw aflash andthen smokepouring from near thetop of one of the twintowers . It was 8:46 a.m.Andrea Rotondo, director ofcontent
I was in fifth
I was three months in to my first airline
job — with Phoenix-based regional carrier MesaAir Group — on Sept. 11. I was actually scheduled tofly to Washington, D.C., thatday .Benét J. Wilson,senior editor
Wright and I are
Ramirez and I
“When we were … debating how to
Everyone, they
I vividly
remember exactly where I was when the attacks happened. I was juststarting my freshmanyear at theUniversity of Pittsburgh where I wasliving on campus in the dorms. I was franticallywoken up by somebody on myfloor telling me that the U.S. was under attack … I trulyfelt like theworld was coming to anend .Brian Kelly, CEO and founder
And it’s
But Ramirez
“(Visitors) are actually at this historic
I was only 3
years old when the tragedy unfolded on 9/11. Despite this, I stillfeel adeep connection to the human suffering thatoccurred on thatday . I’venever really known aworld without 9/11. Itshaped alot of myearly memories oftravel and my understanding of armedconflict as weentered into thewar in Afghanistan. Thewar has sinceended but theway 9/11shaped my formativeyears sticks with me.Mimi Wright,social media manager
Of course, the
It wasn’t until 2005, she
“Because the outdoor memorial is fairly abstract — the two
I was at
Windows on theWorld in thenorth tower theday before the 1993World TradeCenter bombing and one week before Sept. 11. The closeness of thesedates still impacts metoday , but as a 10-year-old andthen 18-year-old, I recallfeeling fortunate to bealive .Juan Ruiz, editor
The memorial, in
I mention this to Ramirez and
Regardless of what
“It’s a perfectly
We had a group of
flight dispatchers in Las Vegas and we scrambled torent avan toget them back. We hadflight crews stranded all over thecountry inplaces that we didn’tserve , so we had toget them inhotels . Wesent mostpeople home, because there was nothing for them to do.Benét J. Wilson,senior editor
After the
Ramirez had
As Wright and I
At a
then , (the)south tower came down. It justfell topieces …almost as if it combusted into ash all atonce . It was 9:59 a.m. We weren’t thatfar away so there musthave been a deafeningsound . But, to me, it wasabsolutely silent . I do not recall anynoise as thetower came down. I mayhave been inshock .Andrea Rotondo, director ofcontent
Wright and I
I am transfixed by
Then we
I frequently
I was a
travel writer at USAToday at thetime (assigned) towrite about the impact that the attack wouldhave on tourism to New York —then , asnow , a criticalpart of the New York economy. As I wasriding thetrain up to thecity , thousands of visitors who had been in thecity at thetime of the attack (and thousands oflocal residents, too) were streaming out. Somepeople thought New York was done.Finished . Nobody would ever come back.Gene Sloan, principal writer
Like so many
“One of the
And it
As working journalists, a photographer and I were
allowed behind the barricades toget close toground zero. Thething Iremember most was thesight of armoredvehicles and soldiers. They were there to maintainorder . But itfelt like awar zone. That is something that Inever thought I wouldsee in themiddle of agreat Americancity , and Ihope Inever see again .Gene Sloan, principal writer
That, to me, is one of the enduring
After all, the
It was so
beautiful tosee theway thecountry cametogether in thedays after we wereattacked and tosee how thewhole world rallied to oursides . Itreminds me that nomatter howdivided thecountry seems right now , we canstand together when we must.Clint Henderson,senior news editor
A week after our
Near the
Behind me, buglers occasionally
But everyone, undoubtedly,
Whether you’re a longtime
Or, you can
Additional reporting by Mimi Wright and Eric Rosen.
And when you do
These are the
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